I had plans to have fun with some friends out of town. A friend called about a week ago about us getting together when they arrived in Victoria. I then asked if I should secure two days during the week off, friend said yes, and then I did. This friend promised that night to talk the other night about getting together yesterday (tuesday). I should mention again that I was able to secure two days off in the middle of the week.
Well guess what, they didn't call. Nada. Zilch. I just wasted an entire day sitting here on my ass writing, fixing my computer and watching Gilmore episodes on DVD. I even called once earlier tonight and left a message, and my calling late-at-night rules are pretty lax (I keep late hours). The phone didn't ring. No explanation.
This is something that has been bothering me for a long time and I've went over into the reign of I'm Mad As Hell and I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore. People who don't return phone calls suck, and I am now going to get on your case if you are one of these people. Now, I normally don't use the word "suck" to describe anything (except for when I'm drunk, perhaps), but when I take the time to call someone to connect and I don't hear back from them in less than 24 hours, I consider it being ignored. It's personal. And it sucks, it really really sucks.
Has this ever happened to you? I'm sure it has. You call, their voicemail works, you leave a message and you don't hear back. You then try again a couple of times, but still to no avail. You don't want to overdo it. You wonder why they haven't returned the call. Are they busy? Are they in surgery? You backtrack to wonder if any previous conversation made them not call you back. Is their cell phone dead?
If you have a cell phone, normally the "I'm busy" excuse is bullshit. You ALWAYS have time to return a phone call, when you're walking from one place to another. If you're working, take a moment of rest and pick up the phone. If you're going to be out of town or unavailable to return a call, here's a wacky idea: update your voicemail message to note this. Or even better; if you are the kind of person who doesn't return phone calls, say this in your message!
What makes matters even worse is that I rearranged my schedule for nothing. Since this day was supposed to be about spending time with friends out of town, then they suddenly pull a Claude Rains and I have no idea what's going on. My friends leave for home on Thursday and I don't think I'll be seeing them for another nine months because of this.
If anything, this makes me question who my friends really are. I may not be seeing them in nine months after all.
Oh, and since this blog is normally about movies, er...Go see Grindhouse. Or if you haven't seen it yet and are looking for a good DVD to rent, try the Howard Beale Show. You don't want to not return that guy's call.
Okay I'm done. At least in this opinion I'm not alone.
You know I wonder and feel the same way. I always if I was the only one. I completely understand your frustrations and wanted to know it gave me comfort an Im not crazy. I just want to know why. The I was busy excuse is old and truthfully you are right people do have time even if it is for 3 mins.
oh its I always wondered if I was the only one my bad
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