Sunday, April 01, 2007

Short ends: updating, redesigning,

Hey all,

Over this week I'm going to be attempting to spruce up this Blogger page a bit. Widen the columns, get a few new images going and it make it less standard blogger-ish.

I also have an article going up this week in regards to the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas. In the meantime, check out what my pal Scott Weinberg has to say about the Alamo moving to a new location downtown. I think it's incredible news.

Also, check out the extensive links to your right. It has links to my Myspace page which has a pretty sweet musical jukebox (I did the work of finding music to listen to for ya!). It also has a few other blogs and sites that I like to track.

I used to do websites yet this new 'net stuff confuses me somewhat, so bear with me, or else Kate Mara will have to shoot you.


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