Yeah, I dunno.
You ever have one of those days where nothing gets done and you wander around aimlessly, both literally around the room and inside your own head? Instead of doing a movie marathon today, my toilet backs up, I break the lid when trying to fix said toilet, I run out of food, then barely watch two movies, catch up on email and then have several conversations on IM, not ONE of them with Goss, which is even more strange.
Just finished watching "Dreamgirls" and dug it a bunch. What the trades have been saying about Jennifer Hudson is true. This is her flick and she's flat out amazing.
So what I'm going to try to do is have a quick post at least once a day so those who care about me can read my thoughts from time to time. The blogosphere is still 'raging a strong and might as well get back on the wagon. I also may update that "Ten Hottest Actresses" list as I have many more to talk about.
That and Laura told me to. I also felt like posting an image of Gromit. Because i can.
Talk soon!
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