With the Oscar nominations upon us, the next 33 days until the live telecast where Ellen Degeneres will stutter and make crow sounds will be a mind-numbing endeavor. Why, do you ask? It's the time where the entire internet lights up with disapproval, criticism and negativity over the nominations, to the point where I pretty much just leave the moobynet and go watch some new movies. Also having the Victoria Film Festival in two weeks helps as a distraction.
What is bizarro is how people get wrapped up in the prestigous awards and how personal it all gets. Already I've heard people bitch about Little Miss Sunshine getting so many nominations, Dreamgirls not getting a best picture nomination, "Where's Jack?" and "Is that movie Babel really as good as people say?" Suddenly, everyone's a critic, second-guessing the nominations and think they're the authority on the Oscars.
And you know what? It doesn't fucking matter people. The voting members of the academy nominated these people and these are results of the added up numbers, so it's their fault that you didn't get what you wanted. And even if you did, there's a million people who disagree with you and think otherwise, so nobody wins by endlessly bitching.
Last year was probably the worst year of public reaction when Crash won best picture, and all of a sudden the film was a veiled piece of shit that was hated by the general populace. It made Roger Ebert's Best of 2005 list, I gave it a four star rating and it had an extremely high critic count on Rotton Tomatoes, but that didn't stop the hatred because (insert film title here) should have won instead.
So perhaps "The Departed" shouldn't win Best Picture. It's a film I love, yet if it does win there will be some weird public outcry because they thought "The Queen" should have won. Or "Babel." In the end, it doesn't really matter what you think, or what I think. Get over it and enjoy the telecast.
I'll soon be posting my list of favorite performances and technical achivements in this blog. These are who I consider the winners in cinema last year. I don't need the Oscars to tell me that.